MAAPPN Announces Conference!
Friday, September 27th, 2024

Save The Date! "Psychiatric Pearls in Private Practice" Hilton Garden Inn Boston/Waltham 450 Totten Pond Road Waltham, Massachusetts 02451 8AM TO 3 PM CEU's: 6 Don't miss this chance to gain valuable insights and network with experienced colleagues. They will share their expertise and tips for success in independent psychiatric practice. You'll learn about niche practice opportunities as well as the challenges and rewards of starting, managing and growing an independent psychiatric practice. This conference is geared to both new and experienced advanced practice psychiatric nurses in all areas of practice.

Minutes MAAPPN Member Meeting June 17th, 2024


The first MAAPPN Member Meeting of the year was held on June 17th, 2024.

6:45 PM Link Opens (Virtual)
7:00 PM Meeting Starts

Opening Remarks (Roseanne Dolan, Chair, MAAPPN 2024- 2026) speaks on the gains and opportunities for independent practice provided by MAAPPN and our members; benefits of membership are many (group sup, access to experts,  resource connecting,  focus on self care and sustainability in our practices) Roseanne also discussed her history and qualifications as a manager in a large group practice that underwent many changes and had connections with Primary care.

Bylaws Discussion 
Outcome: Draft accepted unanimously by member vote
Nominations/Voting:  50% of MAAPPN Positions
Outcome: All nominees unanimously accepted for Treasurer (Kathleen Andolina), Membership (Diane Clinton), Board Members at Large (Maria Grotz, Pat Cameron, Patty Shea, Maria Gianan)
Conference Update /Save the date for Friday 9/27/24 – “Pearls of Private Practice” 8am – 3pm, CEUs, Hilton Garden Inn, Waltham, MA
Outcome: Save the Date announced on Listserve; Webpage/registration needs to be set up. 
MAAPPN Volunteers
Outcome: Many hands make light work, MAAPPN Volunteers Volunteers needed please see Sign-Up – Genius!
MAAPPN PAC Partner Needed
Outcome: Tamara Hammer will step up and coordinate with Bette Kisner 
Committee Reports: 
DEI meets the first Friday of each month (summer months off) 
Outcome: annual dues amount is attractive and  members greatly appreciate the listserve  
Policy and Research Committee:
Outcome: Collecting documents related to Preceptor Contracting
Outcome: Donna Principato and Deb Farber are MAAPPN long time BX/BS contacts; need others for Cigna,Tufts, Optum, Aetna
Insurance Definitions of Provider Availability
Outcome: took a long time to settle this with DOI!  criteria for provider availability more  realistic; Unavailable (cant see in less than 4 months); Available (one new patient in 2 months); Limited (1 patient in 2 – 4 months) 
MH Coalition Update
Outcome: Coalition still has a long way to go to appreciate the need for preceptor support in venues other than community mental health centers but MAAPPn have seats inthis influential group  
8:30 PM Adjourn 


(up to $500 per year) to


The MAAPPN PAC helps us to support legislators who promote the MAAPPN mission and goals. Please consider making a donation today as your investment in our profession. Send a non business check (include your email address) to: 
c/o Bette Kisner
25 Chestnut Hill Rd
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 
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Industry Partners

MAAPPN is grateful to those who have supported us through our website and quarterly meeting opportunities.   We invite interested industry leaders to explore opportunities to display at our MAAPPN Member Meetings!

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History of Legislative Gains

Aug 1st, 2022 Signatory equivalence for CNSs to NPs is passed as part of the MH Omnibus Bill. 

June 9th, 2021 Sec. Mary Lou Sudder’s  announces at MAAPPN Meeting that the order to remove supervision for experienced Psych APRNs will go into effect as of June 9th, 2021 (Patients First Act).

Jan 1, 2021 Governor Charlie Baker signed into law, An Act Promoting a Resilient Health Care System That Puts Patients First making Massachusetts the 23rd state in the nation to pass Full Independent Practice Authority  legislation for Psych APRNs. 

January 1, 2021 As part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 Good Faith Estimate rules go  into effect.

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Past Speakers at MAAPPN Meetings!

  • Mary Lou Sudders, Sec. Health and Human Services
  • Sen. Cindy Friedman
  • Sen. Julian Cyr
  • Rep. Kay Khan
  • Rep. Ron Mariano
  • Rep. Denise Garlick
  • Sen. Jen Flanigan
  • David Mateodo, Exec Dir MHHosp Assoc
  • Jeanne Driscoll, PMHCNS, Perinatal Mental Health

MAAPPN: A Brief History

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MAAPPN has a long and storied history. In 1975, when nurses were excluded from insurance reimbursement we formed as Nurses United for Reimbursable Services (NURS) but within a year changed both the mission and name to “Nurses United for Responsible Services”.

NURS met with astonishing success in accomplishing unprecedented legislative and policy gains in MA. In the intervening years, Psychiatric APRNs have continued to earn the respect of our colleagues and clients as highly skilled providers, reliable quality advocates and superb educators for our future generation of advanced practice nurses.

Today, MAAPPN continues its mission to protect our ability to practice to our full scope and support the Psych APRN in their career journey.

News You Can Use

New federal law requires ALL providers to provide good faith estimates to uninsured and self-pay patients

January 1, 2021 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently published an FAQ about the good faith estimate (GFE) requirement under the federal No Surprises Act (NSA), which went into effect on January 1, 2022.

Under the NSA, providers and facilities that schedule items or services for uninsured or self-pay patients must comply with the NSA’s good faith estimate requirement. (A self-pay patient meaning an individual that has coverage but chooses not to use their benefits.)

The FAQ—Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 Implementation- Good Faith Estimates— clarifies, among other thing, that the requirement applies to all providers and facilities, not just those who are out-of-network. Therefore, for example, if an insured patient chooses to pay cash for a service or is seeking to schedule a non-covered service, the NSA’s requirement to provide a good faith estimate would still apply.

MAAPPN Member Meeting Thursday, April 8th, 2021

MAAPPN Member Meeting Thursday, April 8th, 2021
Featured Speaker:   Sen. Julian Cyr, Chair, Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Recovery Committee.
Please register below for the first MAAPPN Tele-Meeting of 2021  scheduled for April 8th from 5:30 PM to 8 PM.  Keep up with the issues affecting our practice:  passage of the Health Care bill, Telehealth, student support, diversity and succession planning among many others!

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Post From MCNP…

Massachusetts NPs Granted

Full Independent Practice Authority!

We Did It!

The Massachusetts Coalition of Nurse Practitioners is proud to report that today Governor Charlie Baker signed into law, An Act Promoting a Resilient Health Care System That Puts Patients First making Massachusetts the 23rd state in the nation to pass FPA legislation for Nurse Practitioners. 
This achievement represents an 8-year legislative effort and the contributions of countless individuals. From the founding members of the MCNP, to the dedicated MCNP volunteers who championed this fight and never gave up; our members who supported this work and engaged with legislators; our bill sponsors; our incredible lobbying teams over the past 25 years; institutional, organizational, and nursing supporters; key legislators; and state leaders – we are grateful to many for this Herculean effort.

There is still work ahead as regulations are promulgated and new barriers are faced, but TODAY, we can rejoice in this incredible victory for patients and what we were able to accomplish together.

Please reach out to your legislators to thank them for their support by sending a pre-formatted email through our website: 
Until we can celebrate in person, our gratitude and best wishes for positive changes in the New Year ahead. 

Chris Malagrida, MCNP President
Stephanie Ahmed, MCNP State Legislative Policy Director