Newly elected MA Legislators

Robert A. DeLeo

Speaker of the House

The House of Representatives is led by the Speaker of the House, who is elected by House members at the beginning of the first year of each two-year session of the General Court. The Speaker appoints a leadership team composed of the Speaker pro Tempore, the Majority Floor Leader, Assistant Majority Floor Leader, and Second Assistant Majority Floor Leader. The Speaker’s appointments are subject to ratification of a majority party caucus vote. The Speaker similarly appoints House committee chairpersons.

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House of Representatives Republican Leadership

Bradley H. Jones, Jr.

Minority Leader

The Republican members of the House of Representatives are led by the House Minority Leader. The Minority Leader is elected by the House Republican caucus at the beginning of the first year of each two-year session of the General Court. The House Minority Leader has a leadership team consisting of an Assistant Minority Leader, Minority Whip, Assistant Minority Whip, and Ranking Republican Member on the Joint Committee on Ways and Means. The Minority Leader appoints Republican members to serve on various House and Joint Committees, and organizes and furthers the priorities of the Republican caucus.

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Members of the House of Representatives

The Massachusetts House of Representatives is comprised of 160 members, each representing a district of approximately 40,000 people. As required by the Massachusetts Constitution, the House meets every 72 hours, year-round in either formal or informal session to consider legislation. The Massachusetts House is led by the Speaker of the House who is elected by the members of the body at the beginning of each two-year legislative session. The Massachusetts Legislature, known as the General Court, has been meeting since 1713.
A List of Representatives individual contact information is available below.  For General Information please use: 617-722-2000
House of Representatives Chamber

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