Minutes MAAPPN Member Meeting June 17th, 2024

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The first MAAPPN Member Meeting of the year was held on June 17th, 2024.

6:45 PM Link Opens (Virtual)
7:00 PM Meeting Starts

Opening Remarks (Roseanne Dolan, Chair, MAAPPN 2024- 2026) speaks on the gains and opportunities for independent practice provided by MAAPPN and our members; benefits of membership are many (group sup, access to experts,  resource connecting,  focus on self care and sustainability in our practices) Roseanne also discussed her history and qualifications as a manager in a large group practice that underwent many changes and had connections with Primary care.

Bylaws Discussion 
Outcome: Draft accepted unanimously by member vote
Nominations/Voting:  50% of MAAPPN Positions
Outcome: All nominees unanimously accepted for Treasurer (Kathleen Andolina), Membership (Diane Clinton), Board Members at Large (Maria Grotz, Pat Cameron, Patty Shea, Maria Gianan)
Conference Update /Save the date for Friday 9/27/24 – “Pearls of Private Practice” 8am – 3pm, CEUs, Hilton Garden Inn, Waltham, MA
Outcome: Save the Date announced on Listserve; Webpage/registration needs to be set up.
MAAPPN Volunteers
Outcome: Many hands make light work, MAAPPN Volunteers Volunteers needed please see Sign-Up – Genius!
MAAPPN PAC Partner Needed
Outcome: Tamara Hammer will step up and coordinate with Bette Kisner
Committee Reports:
DEI meets the first Friday of each month (summer months off)
Outcome: annual dues amount is attractive and  members greatly appreciate the listserve
Policy and Research Committee:
Outcome: Collecting documents related to Preceptor Contracting
Outcome: Donna Principato and Deb Farber are MAAPPN long time BX/BS contacts; need others for Cigna,Tufts, Optum, Aetna
Insurance Definitions of Provider Availability
Outcome: took a long time to settle this with DOI!  criteria for provider availability more  realistic; Unavailable (cant see in less than 4 months); Available (one new patient in 2 months); Limited (1 patient in 2 – 4 months)
MH Coalition Update
Outcome: Coalition still has a long way to go to appreciate the need for preceptor support in venues other than community mental health centers but MAAPPn have seats inthis influential group
8:30 PM Adjourn