MAAPPN Member Meeting Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Featured Speaker:   Sen. Julian Cyr, Chair, Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Recovery Committee

Please register below for the first MAAPPN Tele-Meeting of 2021  scheduled for April 8th from 5:30 PM to 8 PM.  Keep up with the issues affecting our practice:  passage of the Health Care bill, Telehealth, student support, diversity and succession planning among many others!

5:30 open meeting
6:00 Greetings, introductions, agenda
6:15  ITCI  Kristen Van Epps  (Caplyta)
6:30 Athelas: Vishnu Gettu (Remote Monitoring Service)
6:45  Guest Speaker: Sen Julian Cyr, Asst Majority WHIP, Chair, Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Recovery Committee
7:15  PAC donations announcement
7:00  Updates by Mary Ann re bills
7:15  Committee Report re racial justice, diversity and inclusion.
7:30  General discussion with group about
         Telehealth, Preparing for independent practice, Announcements, Student support, Diversity/Inclusion/Belonging, Succession Planning/Open Positions

(Click Here for Meeting Registration Link)

ZOOM LINK For April 8, 2021