MAAPPN will  re-file the bill seeking supervisory independence by January 15, 2015.  The bill will act to eliminate mandated, career-long, physician supervisory requirements placed on seasoned, advanced practice psychiatric nurses.

With the law as it stands now, nurses practices are dependent on the physician supervisory arrangement. Should the physician re-locate out of state, become ill or otherwise disabled, the nurse would legally be required to close his/her practice.  MAAPPN believes that this bill will eliminate those risks and barriers.  The Practice Committee, will issue a document of educational points to refer to when educating supporters of the bill.

The next steps involve seeking co-sponsors by the end of January. Following that the Speaker with assign the bill to a committee for review, debate and hearings where eventually it will be voted on.  There will be key points along the way where MAAPPN members will be asked to contact their legislators. Additionally,  MAAPPN will  continue to concentrate efforts on finding common ground with the Board of Registration in Medicine and the Mass Psychiatric Society.

Other states in New England and across the nation continue to change their legislative statutes giving independent practice to Psych CNSs and Psych NPs, though some states require a set number of hours or years of practice before independence is achieved. When we have the bill information, we will be notifying you to get in touch with your legislators to request their co-signing onto the bill.  

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