It is good news for Massachusetts in that it has received a one-year waiver from a provision of President Barack Obama’s health care law that Gov. Charlie Baker says will protect small businesses from insurance rate hikes.

Massachusetts Get 1-Year Waiver from Health Care Provision

On Tuesday it was announced that the waiver will allow Massachusetts to continue using existing rating factors for small businesses.

Gov. Charlie Baker said the waiver is essential to ensuring local employers continue to thrive.

In 2006 under its landmark law, Massachusetts extended health care coverage to nearly all residents which established a state marketplace that merged small group and individual insurance markets.

The ratings factors protected small employers who took on risks from the individual insurance market.

The waiver extends the state’s current transition period through January, 2017. The ratings factors will phase out entirely in 2018.

If you are interested in finding out the latest information in Massachusetts Healthcare or would like to become a member of the Massachusetts Association of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses please click on the following link.

About Maappn

The Massachusetts Association of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses (MAAPPN) is the only organization in the state of Massachusetts that exclusively represents the interests of advanced practice psychiatric nurses – both psychiatric clinical nurse specialists and psychiatric nurse practitioners.

We are dedicated to the delivery of high quality, affordable, accessible psychiatric treatment for the clients we serve.

For more information about The Massachusetts Association of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses (MAAPPN), please visit

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