Renew Your Membership or Become a Member
The work of MAAPPN often takes place behind the scenes and relies on the efforts of our all volunteer Board. These extraordinary MAAPPN members participate in monthly MAAPPN Board calls at the very early hour of 7:30 AM each month and then move on to busy clinical work days. Each contribute in numerous ways – at their own expense! Please review below only some of the reasons we ask for you to pay your annual dues (these are in no particular order):
Rebecca Feldman and MAAPPN Chair, Roseanne Dolan attend monthly Mental Health Coalition meetings to actively represent MAAPPN members in discussions and decisions that effect us and our peers/colleagues in the state. Recent accomplishments have revolved around the implementation of the Mental Health Ombudsman bill passed in Aug 2022 . Rebecca also acts as our liaison to MCNP an invaluable relationship that hinges on both organizations finding cooperative common ground .
Patty Shea authored the MAAPPN member survey – essential to connecting with our members to monitor issues of concern.
Peggy Chapman – while opening a new consulting business(!) managed to keep everyone informed as Full Independent Practice became a reality. Her knowledge helped us all to act at times that were meaningful to the legislative process and nt a waste of time and effort. Not only that, she continued to bring awareness of other legislation effecting our practice -one example: No Surprises Act /price transparency that involves complicated messaging to patients . Peggy provided members with her own practice templates free of charge!
Grace Trivers heads the Practice Committee and shepherded the White Paper on need for Preceptoring the Psych APRN student. White papers provide the knowledge MAAPPN needs that support efforts to maintain the future supply of Psych APRNs and out practice
Gabrielle Abelard, with MAAPPN support, applied to gain a committee position in the Massachusetts Workforce Taskforce, again putting our members at the table for important policy and budgeting discussions. In addition, she has brought MAAPPN along on the journey of improving health care access equity in MA and co-sponsored several educational offering s with MAAPPN designed to bring awareness of the need for diversity and inclusion principles in our daily practice.
Mary Ann Hart, Hart Government relations (the only paid position at MAAPPN) helped MAAPPN to obtain legislative goals from 2014 to 2023. Currently, she has helped to pivot from legislative gains to ongoing consultation and watchdog duties, further ensuring state and federal support for the Psych APRN role.
Maria Gianan, while accomplishing her DNP, and long time member of MAAPPN ALSO initiated an ongoing Peer Supervision Group – supported by MAAPPN, and free to members and their invited guests as a proven strategy to maintain currency and expertise in clinical practice.
Diane Clinton has been pivotal in promoting MAAPPN membership as well as personally meeting with former Sen. Cindy Friedman, in her district to advocate and pass the legislation that granted us full independent Practice. Without this key relationship, the bill’s passage would have remained in jeopardy.
Kathleen Andolina stepped into the Interim Chair position in 2021 to continue MAAPPN operations for virtual member meetings, speaker arrangements and funding, all the while maintaining communication, website and treasury activities.