Dear MAAPPN Member:

Optum would like to contract with Prescribing Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners and Clinical Nurse Specialists with both mental health and geriatric experience to see their members in the nursing home setting on an urgent crisis intervention basis. The purpose of such interventions would be the provision of a thorough clinical assessment and to prevent worse outcomes, loss of placement and moving someone who may already be confused to an unfamiliar setting, all as a result of unnecessary hospitalization. Ultimately, the goal of the intervention is to allow the patient to receive treatment where they are residing whenever this is clinically possible.

The practitioner would evaluate the patient, help identify any active medical issues, medication side effects or other conditions that might be adequately addressed and treated in their current setting. The practitioner will implement therapeutic medication protocols and behavioral changes as indicated and help caregivers identify any unmet needs of the patient. Utilization of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses on an urgent basis has proven to allow patients to stay in their current residential setting while receiving high quality and cost effective care and treatment.

Remuneration for these services is competitive and considers the factors of travel time to the facility and the unpredictable timing of clinical crises. If you are interested in discussing the position, please contact:

David Nefussy

Thank you,

Diane Grimaldi

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