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At State House ceremony, Governor credits broad coalition for making landmark law possible; Cites better care at lower costs, savings of nearly $200 billion over 15 years & increase in take home pay for workers, savings for families

Governor Patrick signs the health care reform bill in Nurses Hall at the State House. (Photo Credit: Eric Haynes / Governor’s Office) View full size photo.

BOSTON – Monday, August 6, 2012 – Governor Deval Patrick today launched the next phase of health care reform, signing legislation that builds on the Commonwealth’s nation-leading access to care through landmark measures that will lower costs and make quality, affordable care a reality for all Massachusetts residents.

“Today, we take our next big step forward. Massachusetts has been a model to the nation for access to health care. Today we become the first to crack the code on cost. And we have come this far together,” said Governor Patrick. “The law I have signed makes the link between better health and lower costs, that we need a real health care system in place of the sick care system we have today. What we’re really doing is moving towards a focus on health outcomes, and a system to reward that. We are ushering in the end of fee-for-service care in Massachusetts in favor of better care at lower cost.” (Read the Governor’s full remarks here.)

During a ceremony at the State House, Governor Patrick joined medical, business and labor leaders, caregivers and patient advocates, and legislators and policy makers, crediting the broad coalition for delivering on the promise of the Commonwealth’s 2006 health care reform law that expanded coverage to over 98% of residents, including 99.8% of children. The Governor noted that the first phase of health care reform, which the Patrick-Murray Administration successfully implemented, has led to more residents having a primary care physician, more businesses offering coverage and an increase in preventive care.

“Our Administration has worked to increase access to quality health care for Massachusetts residents, and we have built a strong partnership with providers, consumers, and other stakeholders to address the affordability of care within the system,” said Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray. “We thank the state legislature and all who have been dedicated to working with us as we prepare for the next phase of health care reform, reducing the rising cost within our health care system and easing the burden on Massachusetts families, businesses, and residents.”

“By striking just the right balance, this bill will help slow the spiraling health care costs faced by businesses and individual consumers while also allowing the marketplace to grow and function,” said Attorney General Martha Coakley. “We are proud to be part of this first-in-the-nation effort and are prepared to ensure the law’s fair and effective implementation. I thank Governor Patrick for his leadership on this issue and applaud the Legislature, particularly the work of Chairmen Walsh and Moore, as well as Senate President Murray and Speaker DeLeo, for this landmark health care bill.”

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